Christine Converse
Reaper's Game
Bedlam Stories
The Evocation
Brain Droppings
Horror, Haunts and New Orleans
Do You Hear Voices?
G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S (a.k.a. Why I Will Never Climb the Corporate Ladder)
True Horror Stories
The Scariest Halloween Costume of All
Press Events
About the Author
Folders Justified
A basic example of the justified layout method applied to folders.
Vertical Split Layout
Split the image and context into two side-by-side columns.
Folders Grid
Using the grid, which gracefully responds to screen width.
Folders Justified
A basic example of the justified layout method applied to folders.
Folder Columns
Use the columns method to create a vertical masonry-style layout.
Carousel Tabs
Use carousel tabs in combination with split-view to display child pages in a linear context.
Folders Grid List
Split grid layout combination.
Folders Carousel
The carousel method displays multiple items in a carousel-like layout.